Saturday, June 16, 2012

Waiting . . .

Within minutes of the downpour, the rain had left me completely wet, when I was dry from within. I was emptied of all that I had. The clouds too desiccated and slowly parted ways paving the path for the sun to take the centre stage. Droplets of water shone like tiny pearls. The sunlight warmed my shivering body. Even the canopy of trees could not resist some of the rays coming from above. Gloomy rainy morning had transformed into sunny afternoon. I was still waiting with a hope to see her again. She had promised to be back soon.

The shadows started to become long and fade by the day.  The quite environment had turned into a noisy neighbourhood, as the hustling birds chirped raucously announcing their arrival back home. It was getting cold by the minute. I tucked my hands in the pockets and rested at the place where we had parted. I kept rubbing my hands against each other regularly to keep myself warm. Night had dawned and there was still no sight of her. The din had been replaced with the owls hooting, squeaking and creaking of crickets and others. It was a long night listening to the different sounds of the nature. The unobtrusive sounds of the night have gradually died down. The huge dark orange ball started to emerge from the horizon. It brought warmth and comfort. I eagerly looked around if she was just trying to play hide and seek with me. I looked everywhere possible, but she wasn’t there. In the deepest of my heart I knew she would come. A new day has begun, but my wait has been old as I kept looking in the woods waiting for her. 

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