He woke up, just hoping it to be a dream. He checked his mobile to see if there had been any call the previous night or it was yet another bad dream. In fact it was more of a night mare. He never wanted it to happen, not again. He was too sleepy to take the calling coming through. The phone spelled out the name of the caller. It took some sleep off his eyes. Immediately he called back expecting to hear something pleasant, a surprise. Couple of minutes through the call, he was shaken wide awake; it was a shock. The call was rude, upfront and clearly made a mockery of his feelings. He read between the lines and tried to map it with incidents that have been happening lately. He realized that it was not the normal call. It wanted him to get off.
The list of the calls showed a missed call late in the night and a call that went through minutes later. He realized that it was no dream. It was real. It was all over, done and complete. He could recall that she despised him. She did not want him anymore. Things did not go smoothly and she did break up with him sometime back. But he never wanted it, for he loved her for life. He did not let the love and hope die. At every smallest of the instance, he wished for a miracle to happen and day dreamed about her running back to him. It turned out to be just a day dream.