As he started his journey to unravel the mysteries, he bowed to the aura of uncertainty that engulfs them. While many have set out on the journey to achieve this Herculean task, he chose a different path to get a better view of the unknown. He discovered that there was nothing uncanny than the convoluted secret which was hidden in plain sight. Several attempts have been made to unearth this Holy Grail.
Psychologists, Doctors and many others have spent several man hours trying to research and comprehend the Grail only to fail in trying to apply it. Very few have met with minimal success. He felt like exposing the Grail (Secret to women’s heart) for the well being of billions in this world. The contents could change the mechanics of life. As he neared the grail, the inscriptions on it read . . .
What are the fundamental differences between the Men and Women? Reasoning acts as the dominant base of decision for men while women make emotional decisions. Women prefer to share their story in detail, while Men would prefer the summary. While Men bond by sharing activities, women bond by sharing feelings.
Theories have been formulated with various kinds of variables ranging from being smart to having a sense of security. However it is very simple. All that the woman wants is one thing – An Ideal Man. Is it that simple? Are simple things so complex that this question still remains unanswered in totality? So what are the qualities that women look for in an ideal man? While most women talk about of the characteristic traits, there are few unspoken that they look out in an individual, which the man seldom comprehends.
Honesty/ Faithful/ Trustworthy

Confidence is one of the most important key factors. Nothing is better than the way to speak with confidence. Do not mix confidence with arrogance. Ability to handle situations with a cool head confidence surely wins bonus points. Remember that with confidence, you will be able to respect yourself and others around.
Ability to laugh and make others laugh is a must in your Armour. To be able to make the women laugh is an art. Women love humor and you will double your chances of you can get them to laugh. Be yourself, but be funny.
Women talk, talk a lot. A woman feels nice when her man shuts down his world (phone/ laptop) to listen to her. They want to be heard. Many women love to complain and vent out their frustration. Be patient and pay attention. Allow her to talk and do not interrupt her. Provide your opinion/feedback only when it is your turn to talk. Listening is the key and you find that woman opens up to you once you are listen to them.
Women talk, talk a lot. A woman feels nice when her man shuts down his world (phone/ laptop) to listen to her. They want to be heard. Many women love to complain and vent out their frustration. Be patient and pay attention. Allow her to talk and do not interrupt her. Provide your opinion/feedback only when it is your turn to talk. Listening is the key and you find that woman opens up to you once you are listen to them.
Women prefer men who are sensitive to the surroundings. Assessing and reacting to the situation is a one of the important characteristics that she would look for. Understanding the moods with minimal communication is highly preferable.
While these traits are spoken openly, there are few others which are left unsaid but are of utmost importance. You cannot take chances.
Physical Attraction
Though most of the women deny this, they do look for the handsome/cute/smart looking men. You need not be a Brad Pitt to pull it off. While we do not have any control of the looks, you can groom to look better. Be smart and carry yourself with confidence.
Any woman likes to show off her man. They like men who can solve problems, provide instant solutions, or who can talk about any topic. You need not be the all knowing one, but you are at an advantage if you have a hinge about most of the dirt happening around.
Women like men who are passionate about something. Be it a sport, music, cooking or adventure. Your passion could make you unique among her friends. If you are lucky this might as well kindle some feelings for you.
Women like men who are passionate about something. Be it a sport, music, cooking or adventure. Your passion could make you unique among her friends. If you are lucky this might as well kindle some feelings for you.
Women are fond of fairy tale love stories. They are mostly right brained species and less logical. Every woman fantasizes about being swept away by a handsome prince. They like surprises. So, being romantic is very important to be irresistible.
Women are fond of fairy tale love stories. They are mostly right brained species and less logical. Every woman fantasizes about being swept away by a handsome prince. They like surprises. So, being romantic is very important to be irresistible.
Women love to feel important and attended to. Show that chivalry is still alive in men. Opening the door for them, offering them a seat, getting her a drink or even helping her reach out to the bar counter in a crowded place will earn you extra points.
Financial Credibility

Though women like to have honest & confident men, astounding number of women love to have a man with financial credibility. A man with seven figure salary and some bank deposits, stands a better chance of winning over the girl.
Bad Boy
Sometimes we hear the statements like “He is a nice and safe”. It is clear that he has lost the race. Women prefer “Bad Boys”. They like guys who flirt. Do not lay yourself on the table like an open book. You must be mystery to her. Try to cut out a balance as too much mystery might create insecurity. Try to be the “REAL MAN” and not “NICE GUY” as the latter finish last.
Research shows that a guy who can get a table when the restaurant is overflowing with customers or who can arrange for one more drink for the girl when the bar counter is closed or can accommodate for free passes for the most wanted rock show are highly regarded to be successful in inching towards the . . .
He found a piece of the Grail missing. He continued his journey in search of the missing piece wondering if he could ever lay his hands on the complete Grail.
Disclaimer: All the above stated/quoted are very generic. They vary across women as no two are identical. You are free to customize the list as per your requirements. They have been drafted in good faith and in public interest. Any resemblance is purely coincidental.
nice:-) appreciate your benevolence of acting as a savior for all the male species
ReplyDeleteBro u missed Money!
ReplyDelete@avishek - There you go...Made the necessary changes.. ;)