The Artist set the background for a beautiful evening. The clouds formed a canopy to protect the protagonist from the blazing sun, as he rode the bike through the menacing traffic in a hurry. All of a sudden, the needle in the speedometer dropped. The sound died as he killed the engine. Faint lines appeared on the forehead and he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Everything around seemed to be lost in infinity. The bike sprung to life as he pressed the ignition, and sped off as if something required his immediate attention.
In a relationship, you often get to hear “You are so predictable”, “You are boring”, and the lists vary across gender/age. What does your partner expect from you in these situations? Do they expect you to be a mystery, exciting or interesting all the time? If you remain a mystery, suspicions crop up and threaten your very relation. While we do find relations that manage to maintain the interest/ spice in their relation, more often than not we tend to hear the clichéd statements like “we need to work on our relationship, let us rekindle the dying fire in our relation and so on.” So, what are the optimum boundaries we need to maintain to retain the spice in your relation?
The room was dark and his face was lit by the light that emanated from his laptop. He was lying on his bed, with only boxers on to beat the October heat. He typed the keys fervently without staring into the screen. By the time his fingers paused, the first page was almost full. The page read…
“It struck me like a lightening, a weird chain of entangled thoughts. I decided to bisect them, for understanding and analyzing them was very important for his life to change. With very few things left that could keep me engaged for long time, I decided to pen down a few thoughts that augment my interests.
Life is such a weird thing… some relations that would just make you alive, while the same would bore you down after sometime. “I like you”, “We have so many things in common”, “and I am impressed”…What do they mean? Or they used out of genuine feelings or just mere formality?
Why are we not happy? Can we not fight all the time? Why can we not be like others? More often than not, these sorts of questions keep creeping into the modern relationships, answers to which both parties seldom agree.
How many times you have used the above mentioned/ similar statements or you were at the receiving end.

Knowing each other too well, sometimes leads to complacency. It’s like a cancer, once invaded, keeps creeping into other activities, paralyzing them, and even result in the death/end of the relation unless treated early. It is very easy to be a victim of …”
… Suddenly he turned around, gaping into the darkness around him, as if something is moving around. Silence… assured that no one is around he started typing again.
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